Pizzicato Magazine (LU)
“One cannot play these sonatas for obbligato harpsichord and violin more beautifully and authentically. Here two musicians work together who can breathe, who make Bach’s music fly. There is no trace of the austerity that one tends to attribute to his music. With a twinkle in their eyes and a good portion of joie de vivre, Ambroise Aubrun and Mireille Podeur give us a complete recording of these sonatas that must be counted among the best.”
Alain Steffen
The Whole Note (Canada)
“There is excellent playing throughout a terrific CD, with the Mozart in particular - a beautifully judged reading- clean and nuanced, with a finely balanced emotional sensitivity.”
Terry Robbins
"The vision of Ambroise Aubrun and Mireille Podeur, both graduates from the Paris Conservatory, can easily be measured against the greatest versions [of these Bach Sonatas ...] thanks to the naturalness of the approach and a real complicity. [...]"
Jean-Pierre Robert
Pizzicato Magazine (LU)
“[…] played on this CD with great imagination and refinement.”
“[…]deeply felt interpretation”
“Aubrun’s fine, sensitive violin tone and Vanhauwaert’s no less sensitive accompaniment make the first two movements, a Grave Allegretto and an Andante Religioso very moving.”
Remy Franck
Gramophone Magazine (UK)
“The concentrated Piano Trio (2010-11) is a powerful yet melodically interesting piece, compellingly performed by Ambroise Aubrun, Tsan (who also commissioned it) and Steven Vanhauwaert. They are manifestly attuned to Tanguy’s wavelength, whether here or in their separate solo works: Aubrun in the fierce Élégie, Tsan in the moving, technically challenging Invocation (2009, written for that year’s Rostropovich Cello Competition) and Vanhauwaert in the Quattro Intermezzi (2003)”
Guy Rickards
LA Opus (USA)
“Sublime Mozart and Brahms End Mount Wilson Season”
“Instrumental colors were boldly delineated, with M. Aubrun, now in the 1st violin seat, seizing the opportunity to make the expressive most of his assumption of Brahms’ memorably sinuous melodic line.”
David J. Brown
Music Web International (UK)
“There’s a pleasing booklet to complement the good recording quality. Paris to Los Angeles is a journey worth taking […]”
Jonathan Woolf
Culture Spot LA
“His strong performance gave the Brahms even more urgency.”
Henry Schlinger
On-Mag (France)
“[La sonate de Milhaud est] superbement jouée par Ambroise Aubrun et Steven Vanhauwaert”
“[Milhaud’s sonata is] superbly played by Ambroise Aubrun and Steven Vanhauwaert”
Jean-Pierre Robert
OperaMusiclassic (France)
“C’est limpide et d’un jeu parfait”
“[The interpretation] is limpid and played perfectly”
Philippe Gut
Classical Music & Co (France)
“Superbes interprétations”
Thierry Vagne
Music Voice (Italy)
"The beauty and the programmatic depth of these compositions are further enhanced by the brilliant performance of the two young performers, the French violinist Ambroise Aubrun and the Belgian pianist Steven Vanhauwaert. As the first manages to find with his instrument the temperaments, the shadows and the lights expressed by these pages, giving back positive tension, drama, as streams of hope and soothing light with a truly remarkable performing tone, making it clear to be perfectly integrated into the ideal interpretative dimension, the second is a passionate and present interlocutor, artisan of a pianism that knows how to stand up, dialoguing and confronting openly, without being succubus of the other, demonstrating mastery and a "theatrical" sense of the instrument."
Andrea Bedetti
LA Opus (USA)
“bold, assertive playing”
David J Brown
Music-Web International (UK)
“This is an excellent recital disc. Ambroise Aubrun and Steven Vanhauwaert give highly skilled, persuasive and committed performances of these works. Their programme is enterprising and the less familiar sonatas by Gaubert and Fairchild prove to be well worth investigation."
John Quinn
Pizzicato Magazine (Luxembourg)
“These [appealing] sonatas and the short piece 'Prunella' by Benjamin Dale are played expressively by French violinist Ambroise Aubrun and Belgian pianist Steven Vanhauwaert guided by a strong instinct for the works’ subtle individualities. [...] With his creative imagination, Aubrun always stays in active dialogue with the rhetoric musicianship of the pianist."
Remy Franck
ON-MAG (France)
"Ambroise Aubrun [...] offers a luminous sound and a style brilliantly marrying [this repertoire], and the Belgian pianist Steven Vanhauwaert, [...] has a nervous and precise style that stands out."
Jean-Pierre Robert
RMT News International (France)
“ [Je] retiens, symboliquement, le vol de l’avion, le climat aérien, léger, tant l’écoute de ce disque séduit par une légère, une douce et volante volupté, que je dirais planante, tant du choix des œuvres de Milhaud, de Mozart et surtout d’Eric Zeisl, que de l’élégance du jeu, de la manière sans maniérisme de l’interprétation d’Ambroise Aubrun (violon), et Steven Vanhauwaert (piano). Ajoutons le charme acoustique, l’équilibre idéal de l’enregistrement exécuté au Rando-Grillot Hall de l’Université du Nevada, de Las Vegas […] “
"[The album seduces] with both the choice of works and the elegance of the playing, soft and voluptuous, and with no mannerism. The Rando-Grillot Hall at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, offers the ideal balance for this acoustically charming recording."
Benito Pelegrín